Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Beginnings: Gaining Control

This last August, I found myself having sporadic allergic reactions.  There's no surprise there - I've had allergic reactions for most of my life, and various doctors haven't ever come to a conclusion about what exactly is causing them. 

However, by December, I was waking up with a dozen or two new sets of hives, getting progressively worse.  I eliminated as much as I could: tomatoes, peppers, chocolate - all very difficult around the holiday season.  I was desperate to find the root, and stop the body's mutation.

In the end, the reaction turned out to not be food related, but rather that I had developed an allergy to a detergent I'd been using for years.  After a laundry intensive day, my problem was seemingly over.  However, I still felt as if I wasn't in control of my body.

Prior to finding the solution, I had done a LOT of research into common allergens, and come across a number of different "diets" for allergy maintenance.  One thing I found they all had in common was the emphasis on reducing the amount of preservatives and artificial flavours/colours/scents.  It really shouldn't have surprised me to find that, but none the less, it struck a chord. 

Even though I think I am keeping the allergies at bay (for now), I decided in order to regain a sense of agency over my body (or perhaps working WITH my body would be a better term), I should be more selective in what I put into it.  On this blog, I will attempt to go a little more healthy, and perhaps old fashion in my food choices.

I'm not going to go crazy - factors such as budget, time and energy - I'm not ruling out any foods or specific ingredients.  Instead, I'll be looking more critically at what I'm eating, and where I think it is do-able, I'll make something that I've usually bought pre-made from scratch. And you'll get to see the results on here!!

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